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出處: http://www.beepworld.de/members55/chicksaver/cisco.htm
2nd Semester
Module 11 The console port can be used for which of the following? (Choose three.)*** debugging **** password recovery *routing data between networks*** troubleshooting *
connecting one router to another2 ABC Company just purchased three new routers to start their company network. Which items are needed to establish a terminal session between a PC and the router for the initial configuration? (Choose three.)straight-through cable*** terminal emulation software **** rollover cable **** RJ-45 to DB-9 connector *
V.35 cable3 Which ports on Cisco routers can be used for initial configuration? (Choose two.)Ethernet*** console **** auxiliary *serialAUI
BRI4 Which of the following descriptions are true regarding the management connections on a Cisco router? (Choose three.)*** They are non-network connections. *They are used to connect the router to the rest of the production network.They are synchronous serial ports.*** They are used for initial router configuration. **** They are asynchronous serial ports. *
They are accessed using their assigned IP address.5 Which of the following devices are used in the construction of a WAN? (Choose three.)hubs*** routers **** communication servers *transceivers*** modems *
multi-port repeaters6 Why is a console connection to a router or switch preferred when troubleshooting? (Choose two.)can be accessed remotely*** does not depend on network services **** displays startup and error messages by default *
does not require special components7 Which of the following layers of the OSI model are incorporated in WAN standards? (Choose two.)*** physical layer *application layertransport layer*** data link layer *
session layer8 What do routers use to select the best path for outgoing data packets?ARP tablesbridging tables*** routing tables *
switching tables9 A router is composed of many internal components. Which of the following components stores a copy of the router's configuration file?metal-oxide memoryread only memoryflash memory
*** non-volatile random access memory *10 Select the statements that correctly describe flash memory in a 2600 series router? (Choose two.)holds the startup configuration by default*** can be upgraded with single in-line memory modules**** stores Cisco IOS software images *stores routing table information by default
maintains the only copy of an IOS image after the router is booted11 During the initial configuration of a 2600 series Cisco router, which cable is required for connecting a PC to the console port?twistedcrossover*** rollover *
straight12 Which of the following are true regarding router interfaces? (Choose three.)provide temporary memory for the router configuration filesconnect the router to the network for packet entry and exit *can be on the motherboard or a separate module *hold the IOS image
*** connect the router to LANs and WANs *13 Which of the following are functions of RAM? (Choose three.)contains startup configuration filestores routing table **** holds fast switching cache *retains contents when power is removed
*** stores running configuration file *14 Which router component holds the configuration file when power is lost?volatile random access memoryread only memory*** non-volatile random access memory *
flash memory15 Several Ethernet hosts on a LAN need the gateway services of a Cisco 2500 series router. Which of the following would be needed to physically connect a router to all of the hosts on the LAN? (Choose two.)a crossover cable between the transceiver on a router and a switchcrossover cables between a switch and hosts on a LANa straight-through cable between the auxiliary port on a router and a switcha rollover cable between the console port on a router and a switch*** straight-through cables between a switch and hosts on a LAN *
*** a straight-through cable between the transceiver on a router and a switch *16 What contains the instructions that a router uses to control the flow of traffic through its interfaces?packet configuration*** configuration files *flash memory
internal components17 Which basic components do a router and a standard desktop PC have in common? (Choose three.)*** CPU *hard drive*** input/output interfaces *keyboardmonitor
*** system bus *18 Terminal emulation software, such as HyperTerminal, can be used to configure a router. Which of the following HyperTerminal options shown in the graphic are correctly set to allow configuration of a Cisco router? (Choose three.)bits per second*** data bits **** parity **** stop bits *
flow control19 Which of the following are functions of NVRAM? (Choose two.)stores the routing table*** retains contents when power is removed **** stores the startup configuration file *contains the running configuration file
stores the ARP table20 Which of the following tasks can be accomplished through a management connection on a router? (Choose three.)*** troubleshooting problems **** monitoring the system *capturing LAN data packets*** configuring the router *
routing data packets21 An internetwork must include which of the following? (Choose three.)*** switching *static addressingIETF standardization*** dynamic or static routing *
*** consistent end-to-end addressing *22 Which of the following describes the function of a WAN?connects peripherals in a single locationconnects multiple networks in a single buildingprovides connectivity on a LAN*** provides connectivity over a large geographic area *
Module 21 What information about the router and its startup process can be gathered from the output of the show version command? (Choose three.)*** the last restart method *the tftp software version installedthe amount of NVRAM and FLASH used*** the configuration register settings *
*** the location used for loading the IOS *2 What baud rate needs to be configured on terminal emulation software to allow a connection to the console port of a router?24004800*** 9600 *14200
384003 Which command takes precedence if the commands enable password and enable secret are both configured on a router?enable password*** enable secret *Neither. They are both enabled.
Neither. They cancel each other out.4 The active IOS of the router is initialized from FLASH. In this scenario, what commands would be used to display the name of the active IOS? (Choose two.)Router#show IOS*** Router#show flash *Router#show nvram*** Router#show version *Router#show startup-config
Router#show running-config5 Which keystroke is used to move to the beginning of a command line?*** Ctrl-A *Ctrl-BEsc-AEsc-BCtrl-C
Ctrl-Z6 What is the maximum number of commands allowed in the history buffer?1020128255
*** 256 *7 Which tasks can be performed in the ROM monitor mode? (Choose two.)*** recover from system failures *create startup configuration files*** recover from lost passwords *configure IP addresses on all router interfaces
perform high level diagnostics8 What is the default sequence for loading the IOS?NVRAM, TFTP, FLASHNVRAM, TFTP, CONSOLEFLASH, ROM, TFTP*** FLASH, TFTP, ROM *
TFTP, FLASH, ROM9Which of the following identifies the correct items needed to initially configure a router?1) DB-9-to-RJ-45 on the PC's serial port2) a straight through cable3) the router's console port1) PC's Ethernet port2) a crossover cable3) the router's Ethernet port1) DB-9-to-RJ-45 on the PC's serial port2) a rollover cable3) the router's Ethernet port1) PC's Ethernet port2) a rollover cable3) the router's console port*** 1) DB-9-to-RJ-45 on the PC's serial port * 2) a rollover cable 3) the router's console port1) PC's Ethernet port2) a rollover cable
3) the router's Ethernet port10 When the router output is being viewed through a terminal program, which statements are true regarding the --More-- prompt at the bottom of the router display? (Choose two.)Press the Spacebar to display the next line.*** Press the Spacebar to view the next screen. *Press the PgDn key to view the next screen.*** Press the Enter key to display the next line. *
Press the Enter key to view the next screen.11 Which connection method can be used to perform the initial configuration of a router?*** use a serial connection of a computer connected to the console port of a router *telnet to the router through a serial portuse a vty port through the Ethernet interface
use a modem connected to the AUX port of the router12 What information does the name of the IOS file provide to the network administrator? (Choose three.)the amount of NVRAM required to run the image*** the hardware platform the image runs on *the various software platforms the image can run on*** special features and capabilities of the image *the bandwidth supported by the IOS
where the image executes from and if it has been compressed *13 Under what conditions does the router enter setup mode? (Choose three.)immediately after issuing the command Router#erase start*** after issuing the command Router#setup **** during the initial configuration of a router **** after deleting the backup configuration and reloading the router *
after deleting the running configuration14 What does the command sh? return as output if issued at the Router# prompt?all show commands allowed in privileged mode*** all commands beginning with the letters sh *an incomplete command error message
an invalid command error message15 Cisco IOS software is separated into two levels as a security feature. What are those two levels? (Choose two.)global*** privileged *local*** user *
interface16 Which keystrokes can be used to return to the privileged mode from the interface configuration mode?Ctrl-PCtrl-Shift-6, then X*** Ctrl-Z *
Esc17 Which of the following is the correct flow of routines for a router startup?*** load bootstrap, load IOS, apply configuration *load bootstrap, apply configuration, load IOSload IOS, load bootstrap, apply configuration, check hardware
check hardware, apply configuration, load bootstrap, load IOS18 Which of the following statements concerning router interface modes are correct? (Choose three.)*** User EXEC mode provides commands to monitor router operation. *Privileged EXEC mode only provides commands to change or configure router operation.Password protected configuration modes can be accessed from either user EXEC or privileged EXEC modes.*** On a router with the name Core1, the prompt indicating privileged EXEC mode is Core1#. *The command to enter privileged EXEC mode is Router# enable.
*** A username and password may be required to enter privileged EXEC mode. *19 A network administrator needs to configure a router. Which of the following connection methods requires network functionality to be accessible?consoleAUX*** Telnet *
modem20 What is the default sequence for loading the configuration file?NVRAM, FLASH, ROMFLASH, TFTP,CONSOLE*** NVRAM, TFTP, CONSOLE *
FLASH, TFTP, ROM21 Which tasks can be accomplished by using the command history feature? (Choose two.)View a list of commands entered in a previous session.Recall up to 15 command lines by default.*** Set the command history buffer size. **** Recall previously entered commands. *
Save command lines in a log file for future reference.22 After the active IOS image has been loaded into RAM from flash memory, which commands could be used be used to display the file name of the active IOS? (Choose two.)Router# show IOSRouter# show flashRouter# show nvram*** Router# show version *Router# show startup-config??? Router# show running-config ?Module 31 Why is it important to create standards for network consistency? (Choose three.)*** reduces network complexity *increases unplanned downtime*** limits unplanned downtime *increases bandwidth by regulating networking performance
*** limits events that may impact network performance *2 A telnet session can be established when using the IP address of a router but not the name of the router. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the problem?*** an incorrect host table entry *an incorrect ARP table entryan incorrect routing table entryan incorrect protocol configured
an incorrect subnet mask3 The serial connection shown in the graphic needs to be configured. Which configuration commands must be made on the Sydney router to establish connectivity with the Melbourne site? (Choose three.)Sydney(config-if)# ip address no shutdown **** Sydney(config-if)# ip address **** Sydney(config-if)# clock rate 56000 *
Sydney(config-if)# ip host Melbourne Which commands display information about the IOS or configuration files stored in router memory? (Choose three.)Router# show ram*** Router# show flash *Router# show hostsRouter# show history*** Router# show version *
*** Router# show startup-config *5 Select the interface descriptions that provide the most appropriate information. (Choose two.)circuit number*** host IP address **** telnet password *number of hops between routers
purpose and location of the interface6 Select the commands necessary to remove any existing configuration on a router. (Choose two.)delete flash*** erase startup-config **** erase running-config *restartreload
delete NVRAM7 Router names are associated with IP addresses. What is the name of the table that is created by this association?IP tableSAP tableARP tableMAC table*** HOST table *
RARP table8 Select the commands that will store the current configuration file to a network TFTP server? (Choose two.)*** Router# copy run tftp *Router# copy tftp run*** Router# copy running-config tftp *Router# copy tftp running-configRouter(config)# copy running-config tftp
Router(config)# copy tftp running-config9 Which statements are true regarding the recommended use of login banners? (Choose two.)*** They should be used to display information regarding system changes or maintenance. **** They should be used to display warnings to unauthorized users. *They should be used to display welcome messages prior to login.They should be seen only by system administrators.
They should provide confirmation of incoming IP addresses.10 What is the effect of the command ip host HQ*** permits a ping to with the command ping HQ *assigns the description HQ to the interface with the ip address the router as HQdefines a static route to the host
configures the remote device HQ with the ip address of What are the default settings for a serial interface? (Choose three.)*** DTE *DCE*** shutdown **** no IP address *clock rate 56000
encapsulation ARPA12 What will be the response from the router after the command, "router(config)# hostname portsmouth" is entered?portsmouth#*** portsmouth(config)# *invalid input detectedrouter(config-host)#hostname = portsmouthportsmouth#? command not recognized
router(config)#13 A network administrator wants to assure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text in the configuration files. Which commands will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)Router(config)#enable cisco secretRouter(config)#enable cisco*** Router(config)#service password-encryption **** Router(config)#enable secret cisco *Router(config)#encrypt-all cisco
Router(config)#service encryption-password
14 Which command sequence will permit access to all five router virtual terminal lines with a password of cisco?Router(config-line)#config telnetRouter(config-line)# line vty 0 5
Router(config-line)# password ciscoRouter(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config)# password cisco*** Router(config)# line vty 0 4*Router(config-line)# password cisco
Router(config-line)# loginRouter(config-line)# config telnetRouter(config-line)# password cisco
Router(config-line)# sessions 0 415 An IP network is to be added to a router Ethernet interface. What steps must be performed to configure this interface to allow connectivity to the hosts on this LAN? (Choose two.)*** Enter the command no shutdown. *A password must be set on the interface.The interface DCE clock rate must be set.The interface must be configured for virtual terminal access.*** The interface must be configured with an IP address and subnet mask. *
The router must be put in setup mode in order for the interface to be configured.16 What is the default state of the interfaces on a router?up, line protocol down*** down, line protocol down *adminstratively down, line protocol down
up, line protocol up17 Which are valid router prompts? (Choose three.)Router(privileged)#*** Router(config)# *Router(command)#*** Router(config-router)# **** Router(config-if)# *
Router(exec)#18 Select the correct sequence of commands that will configure "Engineering LAN" as the interface description on the Ethernet0 interface.1)Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# interface e0 description Engineering LAN*** 2)Router# configure terminal*Router(config)# interface e0Router(config-if)# description Engineering LAN3)Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# interface e0Router(config-if)# interface description Engineering LAN4)Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# description Engineering LAN19 Select the recommended locations to save a running-config file. (Choose three.)all network hosts*** network server **** floppy disk **** TFTP server *
server that is not on the network20 Which command turns on a router interface?Router(config-if)# enableRouter(config-if)# no downRouter(config-if)# s0 activeRouter(config-if)# interface up
*** Router(config-if)# no shutdown *21 Passwords can be used to restrict access to all or parts of the Cisco IOS. Select the modes and interfaces that can be protected with passwords. (Choose three.)*** VTY interface **** console interface *Ethernet interfacesecret EXEC mode*** privileged EXEC mode *
router configuration mode22 What must be configured to establish a serial link between two routers that are directly connected?a clock rate on the DTE interfacea no clock rate command on the DTE interfaceno configuration is required*** a clock rate on the DCE interface * Module 4 1 To obtain CDP information from a Cisco router that is not directly connected to the administrator's console, what must happen?The source router must send TLV blocks to the remote router.*** The administrator can Telnet to a Cisco device that is connected to the remote router. *The administrator needs to issue the Router# show cdp all to view the entire network CDP advertisements.
The administrator must transmit TTL packets to the remote device and wait for a response.2 Which of the following are displayed by the Router# show cdp neighbors command? (Choose three.)load*** platform *reliabilityholdtime*
*** local interface *3 What command enables CDP on the interface of a router?*** Router(config-if)# cdp enable *Router(config-if)# cdp runRouter(config-if)# cdp start
Router(config-if)# cdp config4 An administrator is attempting to enable CDP on the interface of a Cisco router. After issuing the command Router(config-if)# cdp enable, the router responds with an error stating that CDP is not active. What might be the problem?The cdp enable command must be issued from the global mode prompt.The administrator needed to issue the command Router(config-if)# cdp run.*** CDP has not been configured globally. *
The administrator did not manually enter the CDP neighbors into the CDP table.5 Which of the following is true regarding CDP and the graphic shown?CDP running on Router D will gather information about routers A, B, C, and E.*** By default, Router A will receive CDP advertisements from routers B and C.*If routers D and E are running different routing protocols, they will not exchange CDP information.
Router E can use CDP to identify the IOS running on Router B.6 The traceroute command was used to trace the path between routers A and D. What would an output display of three asterisks (***) indicate?The command was issued from the wrong prompt.Each datagram was successfully sent.*** One of the routers is unreachable.*
There are three hops between source and destination.7 For which of the following network layer protocols does CDP provide information? (Choose three.)*** IP *RIPSNMP*** AppleTalk **** IPX *
IGRP8 Which command will produce the output shown in the graphic?*** show cdp *show cdp neighborsshow cdp neighbors detailshow cdp detail
show cdp traffic9 What is the purpose of the cdp timer command?specifies the hold time to be sent in the CDP update packetresets the traffic counters back to zero*** specifies how often the Cisco IOS software sends CDP updates *
deletes and resets the CDP table of information about neighbors10 What is the main use of Telnet?transfer of data between end usersverification of simple connectivityrouting of data packets
*** remote connection to network devices *11 Transmitting type length values (TLVs) inside advertisements is a process used by CDP to provide information about neighboring devices. What information is displayed by these TLVs? (Choose three.)*** interface information of the connected device *all networks connected to the neighboring device*** name of the connected device *routing protocol used on the neighboring device
*** holdtime for advertisements *12 Why would an administrator use the Telnet application when troubleshooting a network? (Choose three.)*** It can be used to verify the operation of application layer software between the source and destination.*Telnet can use the ICMP protocol to verify a hardware connection and network layer address.*** It is the most complete testing mechanism available. **** Remote networks may be accessed via a Telnet session for troubleshooting. *
Time to Live values are used by Telnet to identify a failure of device between source and destination.13 An administrator logged into Workstation 2 initiates a Telnet session to GAD. The administrator then telnets from GAD to BHM. What will happen if the Enter key is pressed at the privileged mode prompt after the session with BHM is suspended?The GAD session will be resumed.*** The BHM session will be resumed. *The GAD session will be terminated.
The BHM session will be terminated.14 Pings between Atlanta and Dallas are successful. If a hostname table or DNS connection is not available, which command will successfully establish a remote connection from Atlanta to Dallas via Telnet?Atlanta> connect Dallas*** Atlanta> *Atlanta#
Atlanta# telnet Dallas15 A network administrator was called away from the terminal while using Telnet to monitor a remote router. The Telnet session was left connected. If the default Telnet configuration is used, what will the administrator find upon returning 15 minutes later?The Telnet session entered a "sleep" state and will resume when the spacebar is pressed.The Telnet session remained connected and is on the same screen it was left on.The Telnet session suspended itself and will resume when the Enter key is pressed.*** The Telnet session terminated itself after 10 minutes of inactivity. *
The Telnet session remained active but now requires the password to be entered again16 What key sequence is used to suspend a Telnet session on a remote router?Ctrl-Shift-SCtrl-Shift-6*** Ctrl-Shift-6, then x *Ctrl-Alt-SCtrl-Alt-6
Ctrl-Alt-6, then x17 An administrator can successfully ping between the Lubbock and Memphis routers. The command Lubbock# telnet Memphis is entered but the Memphis router cannot be reached. What are possible reasons for this failure? (Choose two.)*** The Lubbock router does not have any entries in its host table.*Lubbock is not an entry in the host table of the Memphis router.*** Access to a DNS server is not available. *The hostname command was not configured correctly on the Memphis router.
The hostname command was not configured correctly on the Lubbock router.18 How many Telnet sessions can take place simultaneously on a router running a standard edition of the IOS?4*** 5 *8
1019 How can a network administrator logged in to RTA gather information about the Cisco devices that are directly connected to its neighbor, RTB?Use the show cdp neighbors detail command on RTA to view information about every device on the entire internetwork.Use ping to determine the status of RTB, then issue the show cdp neighbors detail command.*** Use Telnet to connect to RTB, then issue the show cdp neighbors command. *
Use traceroute to establish the pathway to RTB, then issue the show cdp neighbors command20 If the network administrator establishes a telnet session from Workstation 2 to GAD and then from GAD to BHM, what occurs if the session with BHM is suspended and the Enter key is pressed? The GAD session will be resumed. *** The BHM session will be resumed. *The GAD session will be terminated. The BHM session will be terminated. Module 5 1 The commands shown in the graphic were entered to alter the startup sequence of the router. On the next reload, which IOS will be loaded?The router will load c2500-js-l.112-26d.The router will load c2500-d-l.120-9.The router will load the IOS from ROM.*** The router will boot into ROM monitor mode.* 2 Where does a router look for boot system statements?ROMRAM*** NVRAM *Flash 3 Which of the following are steps in saving a router configuration file to a TFTP server? (Choose three.)Enter configuration mode.*** Enter the IP address to the TFTP server. **** Use the copy running-config tftp command. *Use the copy tftp running-config command.*** Name the configuration file or accept the default name. * 4 Routers have different types of memory. Choose the answer that describes flash memory.provides working storage*** stores a fully functional IOS image *stores the startup configuration fileinitializes the code used to boot the router 5 Which command is used to change the order in which the router looks for system bootstrap information?config-imageconfig-system*** config-register *config-bootfieldconfig system bootstrap 6 Which of the following can be configured as a source for the IOS image by using the boot system command? (Choose two.)*** TFTP server *HTTP serverTelnet server*** Flash memory *NVRAM memory 7 Which two items below are required by routers in order for them to perform their basic operations? (Choose two.)a tftp server*** a configuration file *a configuration register file*** an operating system file *a DNS table 8 The router has been configured with a valid configuration file. Which of the following could be a cause for a router not booting normally? (Choose two.)*** The flash image is corrupt. *A console cable is disconnected.The flash image is located in NVRAM.The startup configuration file is incomplete.*** The router encountered a hardware error. * 9 The Cisco IOS image naming convention allows identification of different versions and capabilities of the IOS. What information can be gained from the filename c2600-d-mz.121-4? (Choose two.)The "mz" in the filename represents the special capabilities and features ofthe IOS.The file is uncompressed and requires 2.6 MB of RAM to run.*** The software is version 12.1, 4th revision. *The file is downloadable and 121.4MB in size.*** The IOS is for the Cisco 2600 series hardware platform. * 10 Which part of the configuration register indicates the location of the IOS?the bootstrap*** the boot field *the IOS locatorthe system image loader 11 If a router cannot find a valid configuration file during the startup sequence, what will occur?The startup sequence will reset.*** The router will prompt the user for a response to enter setup mode. *The startup sequence will halt until a valid configuration file is acquired.The router will generate a default configuration file based on the lastvalid configuration.The router will monitor local traffic to determine routing protocolconfiguration requirements. 12 What command can be used in ROM monitor mode to run the IOS image in flash?rommon1> config-register 0x2102*** rommon1> boot flash:filename *rommon1> xmodem:filenamerommon1> boot system flash:filenamerommon1> reload system flash: 13 What does a configuration register setting of 0x2102 indicate on a router?It tells the router to locate and load the IOS from NVRAM.It tells the router to locate and load the IOS from FLASH.*** It tells the router to bypass the configuration in NVRAM. *It tells the router to look in the startup configuration for boot systemcommands. 14 Routers have different types of memory. Choose the answer that describes NVRAM.provides working storagestores a fully functional IOS image*** stores the startup configuration file *initializes the code that is used to boot the router 15 Which command will move configuration files among RAM, NVRAM and a TFTP server?ping*** copy *movesetupbootpbackup16 Which command will copy an IOS image from a TFTP server to a router?*** Router# copy tftp flash *Router# copy flash tftpRouter(config)# copy tftp flashRouter(config)# copy flash tftp 17 If the configuration register instructs a router to look for configuration information in NVRAM and no boot system commands exist there, from where will the router next attempt to boot the IOS?RAMRROM*** FLASH *EPROMROMMON 18 An IOS image can be copied into flash from a TFTP server. Which of the following statements are true regarding this process? (Choose three.)*** A series of "!'s" are displayed as the image is downloaded successfully toflash. *The copy tftp flash:filename ip address command is used to copy the IOS fromthe server to flash.*** After the new flash image is downloaded, it is verified. **** A series of "e's" are displayed as the current IOS image is erased fromflash. *Flash must be cleared with the erase command prior to beginning the downloadprocess. 19 If boot system commands have been configured, which of the following could happen if a router fails to obtain an IOS image from the primary sources during bootup?*** The router will load a subset of a full IOS version from system ROM. *The router will attempt to reboot two times before failing.The router will load the last good IOS image from NVRAM.
The administrator will be prompted to load a valid IOS image.20 Which command will backup configuration files from RAM to NVRAM or a TFTP server?backup*** copy *telnetmove Module 6 1 How does a router learn about routes to a network? (Choose three.)*** Information is gathered from its own configuration regarding directly connected networks. *Switches forward destination address information to each router.Hosts communicate destination network information to each router.*** Other routers forward information about known networks. **** Routes are entered manually by a network administrator. *
Routes are learned from information gathered from ARP tables.2 What are some of the advantages of using a link-state routing protocol instead of a distance vector routing protocol? (Choose two.)The topology database eliminates the need for a routing table.Frequent periodic updates are sent to minimize the number of incorrect routes in the topological database.*** Routers have direct knowledge of all links in the network and how they are connected. **** After the inital LSA flooding, they generally require less bandwidth to communicate changes in a topology.*
Link-state protocols require less router processor power than distance vector protocols.3 What is the purpose of a routing protocol?It is used to build and maintain ARP tables.It provides a method for segmenting and reassembling data packets.It allows an administrator to devise an addressing scheme for the network.*** It allows a router to share information about known networks with other routers. *
It provides a procedure for encoding and decoding data into bits for packet forwarding.4 Which of the following statements are true regarding the command ip route (Choose three.)*** This command is used to set up a static route. *This command is used to set up a default route.*** This command is entered from global configuration mode. **** All packets intended for network will be sent to gateway *
All packets intended for network will be sent to gateway Which of the following conditions must be met in order for a network to have converged?The routers in the network are operating with dynamic routing protocols.The routers in the network are operating with compatible versions of IOS.The routers in the network are operating with the same routing tables.
*** The routers in the network are operating with consistent routing knowledge. *6 Describe the switching function that occurs in a router.allows the router to make forwarding decisions based on Layer 2 addressinguses network addressing to select the best route and interface to forward data*** accepts a packet on one interface and forwards it to a second interface *
enables the router to select the most appropriate interface for forwarding a packet7 If dynamic routing is not configured on a router, how do routing table updates occur?Link state advertisements are sent from other routers.*** Updates are made to the routing table by the administrator. *Best path information is communicated by network hosts.
The routing table is updated by neighboring routers.8 Given the following commands:Router(config)# router ripRouter(config-router)# network
What can be concluded about the routing processes used on the router? (Choose three.)A link state routing protocol was used.*** A distance vector routing protocol was used. **** Routing updates will broadcast every 30 seconds. *Routing updates will broadcast every 90 seconds.*** Hop count is the only metric used for route selection. *
Bandwidth, load, delay, and reliability are used as metrics for route selection.9 Refer to the network topology shown. Which of the following commands will configure a route to the network that the router will consider to be most reliable?Montana(config)# ip route*** Montana(config)# ip route s1 *Utah(config)# ip route
Utah(config)# ip route s110 Which type of address does a router use to make routing decisions?source IP addresssource MAC address*** destination IP address *
destination MAC address11 The routers shown in the graphic receive routing updates every 30 seconds by default. Select the commands that were configured on Router2 to achieve this update interval. (Choose two.)
*** 1)Router2(config)# router rip *
2)Router2(config)# router igrp 200
3)Router2(config-router)# network network network
Router2(config-router)# network*** 5)Router2(config-router)# network *Router2(config-router)# network
Router2(config-router)# network All routers at a medium sized company have been upgraded. The administrator of the network has decided that a more advanced routing protocol using a combination of both distance vector and link state features will be implemented. Which protocol should the administrator select for the network?RIPIGRPBGPOSPF
*** EIGRP *13Assuming that the network shown in the graphic is converged and dynamic routing is enabled, which of the following conditions will cause a modification to the Orlando routing table? (Choose two.)*** The device connecting the S0 interface of the Tampa router to the serial link loses power. **** A network administrator shuts down the Orlando router E0 interface. *A DCHP server connected to the Tampa E1 network loses power.The IP address of a workstation on the Orlando E0 network is reassigned.A host on the Orlando E1 network transmits data to a server on the Tampa E1 network.
A Telnet connection to the Orlando router fails.14 Select the statements that describe link-state routing processes? (Choose three.)*** Each router develops its own map of the entire network. **** Routers send triggered updates when changes in the network occur. **** Link-state routing protocols place a higher load on router resources during the routing protocol initialization. *
Link-state protocols are more prone to routing loops than distance vector routing protocols.Networks using link-state routing protocols are slower to reach convergence after changes have occurred
than those using distance vector protocols.15 Which protocol provides enough information in its addressing scheme to allow a packet to be forwarded from one host to another? (Choose two.)*** IP *IGRPEIGRP*** IPX *OSPF
RIP16 Which category of routing algorithms discovers and maintains a topological map of the entire internetwork?staticBellman-Fordexterior gatewayInternetwork Packet Exchangedistance vector
*** link-state *17 Which are the primary functions used by a router when forwarding data?(Choose two.)data encryptionerror notification*** packet switching *address identification*** path determination *
packet validation18 Which protocol can be used to route traffic between two ISPs?RIP*** BGP *IGRPOSPF
EIGRP19 Why is it necessary to specify a list of networks when configuring an interior routing protocol?to tell the router how to reach those networks*** to tell the router which attached networks participate in routing updates *to tell the router which set of metrics to use for the attached networks
to tell the router which routing protocol to use20 Referring to the diagram, which commands will enable hosts on the Idaho E0 network to reach hosts on the E0 network of the Montana router? (Choose two.)Montana(config)# ip route*** Montana(config)# ip route *Idaho(config)# ip route*** Idaho(config)# ip route *
Idaho(config)# ip route Given the following commands:Router(config)# router igrp 300Router(config-router)# network
What can be concluded about the routing process on this router? (Choose three.)*** A distance vector routing protocol was used. *A link state routing protocol was used.Routing updates will broadcast every 30 seconds.*** Routing updates will broadcast every 90 seconds. *Hop count is the metric used for route selection.
*** Bandwidth, load, delay and reliability are the metrics used for route selection. *22 Which two statements describe autonomous systems? (Choose two.)Interior gateway protocols are used between autonomous systems.*** Exterior gateway protocols are used between autonomous systems. *An autonomous system may be under the control of multiple organizations.*** An autonomous system is identified by a 16 bit number assigned by ARIN. *
The autonomous system is identified in the network portion of the IP address.23 Given the command, RouterC(config)# ip route, what does the address represent?the source host*** the next hop router *the outbound interface
the destination network24 Why is fast convergence desirable in networks that use dynamic routing protocols?Routers will not allow packets to be forwarded until the network has converged.Hosts are unable to access their gateway until the network has converged.*** Routers may make incorrect forwarding decisions until the network has converged. *
Routers will not allow configuration changes to be made until the network has converged.25 Which of the following are valid static IP routes? (Choose three.)RouterB(config)# ip route S1*** RouterC(config)# ip route S1 **** RouterA(config)# ip route *RouterB(config)# ip route*** RouterC(config)# ip route *
RouterA(config)# ip route Which protocols use an addressing scheme to direct user traffic? (Choose two.)? *** IP *IGRPEIGRP? *** IPX *OSPFRIP Module 7 1 If the passive interface command is enabled on the fa0/0 interface of Router E, which statements are true? (Choose two.)Router E will send all routing updates via interface fa0/0.Router E will ignore all routing updates learned via interface fa0/0.*** Router E will use routing updates learned via interface fa0/0. *
*** Router E will not send routing updates via interface fa0/0. *2 Which command set will stop the IGRP routing process?RouterB(config)# router igrp 101RouterB(config-router)#shutdownRouterB(config)# router igrp 101RouterB(config-router)#network no*** RouterB(config)# no router igrp 101 *
RouterB(config)# router no igrp 1013 According to the router output from the show ip route command shown above, which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.)The metric to network is 24.*** The hop count to a device on network is 2. *The total path cost to network is the default value of 16.*** The logical address of the next router for network is *
The devices on network cannot be reached as indicated by the 'C' label.4 Which of the following can exist in a distance vector network that has not converged? (Choose three.)*** routing loops **** inconsistent traffic forwarding *no traffic forwarding until system converges*** inconsistent routing table entries *
routing table updates sent to wrong destinations5 Which of the following routes within an autonomous system does not include subnet information?interior routes*** system routes *border routes
exterior routes6 The administrator of the network depicted in the graphic would like to decrease the network's convergence time. How can this be accomplished?disable split horizon on the routersincrease the update interval on the routers*** change the RIP holddown timer to 96 seconds *
change the RIP holddown timer to 226 seconds7 When does RIP send routing table updates? (Choose two.)*** periodically, every 30 seconds *periodically, every 60 secondsperiodically, every 90 seconds
if optionally configured, when topology changes occur (triggered-update) *8 The graphic shows a network that is configured to use RIP routing protocol. Router2 detects that the link to Router1 has gone down. It then advertises the network for this link with a hop count metric of 16. Which routing loop prevention mechanism is in effect?split horizonerror conditionhold-down timer*** route poisoning *
count to infinity9 The following line was displayed in the output of the show ip route command: [100/80135] via, 00:00:30, Serial0/0
Based on this information, which routing protocol is enabled?IPRIP*** IGRP *IGP
OSPF10 The following line was displayed in the output of the show ip route command: [100/80135] via, 00:00:30, Serial0/0What is the administrative distance of the routing protocol enabled?3080100 *135
8013511 What actions will occur after RouterA loses connectivity to network (Choose two.)*** RouterB will include network and in its update to RouterA. *During the next update interval, RouterB will send a RIP update out both ports that includes the inaccessible network.During the next update interval, RouterC will send an update to RouterB stating that network is accessible in 2 hops.*** Router C will learn of the loss of connectivity to network from RouterB. *
RouterB will include network and in its update to RouterC.
12 Which of the following is a correct IGRP configuration for the routers shown in the network diagram?RouterA(config)# router igrp
RouterA(config-router)# network router igrp 101
RouterB(config-router)# network*** RouterA(config)# router igrp 45 *RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network router igrp 1RouterB(config-router)# network
RouterB(config-router)# network router igrp 1RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network router igrp 45RouterB(config-router)# network
RouterB(config-router)# network What do distance vector algorithms require each router in the network to send?a partial routing table to each router in the LANa partial routing table to each router in the WAN*** the entire routing table to each neighboring router *
the entire routing table to each router in the autonomous system14 What happens to a static route entry in a routing table when the outgoing interface is not available?*** The route is removed from the table.*The router polls neighbors for a replacement route.The route remains in the table because it was defined as static.
The router redirects the static route to compensate for the loss of the next hop device.15 When a routing table update is received by a router in a distance vector network, which of the following occurs?*** The hop count metrics for the enclosed routes are incremented. *The update is forwarded to the gateway router for verification.Path entries are checked for routing loops.The hop count metrics for the enclosed routes are decremented.
Static routes are updated with the new information.16 Refer to the graphic. Assuming default settings are configured, which routing protocol has been configured on the router?OSPFRIP*** IGRP *BGP
Static17 Which statements describe RIP? (Choose three.)The maximum metric value is 255 hops.*** The maximum metric value is 15 hops. **** Routing updates occur every 30 seconds. *Routing updates occur every 90 seconds.*** It is a distance vector routing protocol. *
It is a link state routing protocol.18 When does a distance vector routing protocol set a hold-down timer on a route?when the metric value of the route decreases*** when the route is marked as inaccessible *when the metric value for the route improves
when a regular update is received from a neighboring router19 Which command will display RIP activity as it occurs on a router?*** debug ip rip *show ip routeshow ip interfaceshow ip protocolsdebug ip rip config
show ip rip database20 Which of the following methods does split horizon use to reduce incorrect routing information?Routing updates are split in half to reduce the update time.*** Information learned from one source is not distributed back to that source. *New route information must be learned from multiple sources to be accepted.The time between updates is split in half to speed convergence.
New route information is suppressed until the system has converged.21 The command show ip protocols was just issued and the following line was displayed in the output:Gateway Distance 100 Last Update 00:00:54
When should the next routing table update be received assuming the configuration uses default values?6 seconds24 seconds30 seconds*** 36 seconds *
90 seconds22 A router has several classful networks in its routing table. If the router receives packets for a subnet that is not in its routing table and the ip classless command is disabled but a default route is defined, what will happen to the packets?The packets will be forwarded using the default route.The packets will be forwarded using a route for one of the major networks.A nonreachable message will be returned to the source.*** The packets will be discarded. *
A default route will be developed by the router.23 Which statements describe load balancing when RIP is configured as the routing protocol? (Choose two.)*** A router is allowed to take advantage of multiple best paths to a given destination. **** RIP uses the round robin approach in load balancing. *RIP load balancing selects a single path to forward all data to the destination even though equal parallel paths exist.RIP load balancing is based on bandwidth first and then the hop count.
Only one path to a destination can be statically assigned or dynamically calculated.24 Which of the following functions are performed by a router as routing information travels through the network? (Choose two.)advertise supported applications*** identify new destinations *calculate packet speedverify network scalability
*** identify invalid networks *25 Which of the following would be the correct command sequence to enable RIP on Router B for all connected networks?1)RouterB# router ripRouterB(router)# network network
RouterB(router)# network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network
RouterB(config-router)# network configure router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network
RouterB(config-router)# network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network
RouterB(config-router)# network*** 5)RouterB(config)# router rip *RouterB(config-router)# network network
RouterB(config-router)# network How would an administrator configure a static route for use if a primary route failed?configure the route with a metric greater than the default valueconfigure the route and the router will activate it as neededconfigure the route to activate by using the redistribute static command*** configure the route with an administrative distance greater than the default value * Module 8 1 Which layer protocols provide reliability for IP when needed?ICMP and pingRIP and TTL*** upper layer protocols *lower layer protocolsInternet layer protocols
network access layer protocols2 How does ICMP improve data transfer reliability in IP networks?Each router in the path reads ICMP packets and uses the information to update routing tables.ICMP can correct many network problems as they occur.*** ICMP error messages are returned to the sending device when a packet is dropped by a router.*
ICMP packets report the intermediary devices that a packet passed through before failure occurred.3 When a datagram is processed by a router on the path from source to destination, what happens to the value in the TTL field?"It is increased by one.*** It is decreased by one. *It stays the same.It is reset to 0.
Nothing.4 If workstation 4 sends a message to workstation 2 and it is not delivered, which protocol will report this failure?Internet ProtocolUser Datagram ProtocolTransmission Control Protocol
*** Internet Control Message Protocol *5 What does a router do if it is unable to deliver a packet to its destination? (Choose two.)The router sends the original packet back to the source.The router keeps the packet in its buffer until the next routing table update.*** The router sends an ICMP "Destination Unreachable" message back to the source. *The router sends out a broadcast message in search of the destination.
*** The router discards the original packet. *6 Which two statements are true regarding ICMP? (Choose two.)ICMP provides reliability for the TCP/IP protocol stack.*** ICMP is a component of the TCP/IP protocol stack. **** ICMP notifies the sender that data transmission errors have occurred. *ICMP is connection-oriented.
ICMP messages are propagated to all intermediate devices.7 Which confirms the availability of a destination? (Choose two.)The source issues an echo reply after receiving an echo request from the destination.*** The destination returns an exact copy of the data sent by the source. **** The source sends an echo request and receives an echo reply. *The source sends the data to the destination without receiving a reply.
The destination sends an echo request and receives an echo reply.8 Workstation 1 sent a data packet to Workstation 4. It never arrived because Fa0/0 interface went down on Router C. How will the devices handle this failure?Workstation 4 will send an error message to Router C and Workstation 1 that it did not receive the packet.*** Router C will use ICMP to send a message back to Workstation 1 indicating that the packet could not be delivered. *Router C discards the packet without providing notification to any device.Router C uses ICMP to correct the failure and transmits the data to Workstation 4.
Workstation 1 will use ICMP to correct the problem and then notify Router C to continue the transmission.9 Which three conditions must be met in order for host to host communication over an internetwork to occur on IP networks? (Choose three.)The routing protocols configured on the source and destination networks must be the same.*** A default gateway must be properly configured on the hosts and local networks. **** Intermediary devices, such as routers, must be present on the network and have knowledge of how to reach the destination network. *The source and destination host subnet masks must match.
*** The IP addresses of the hosts must be in the same network or subnet as their respective gateway devices.*10 Which devices along a data transmission path are notified by ICMP when delivery failures occur?*** source devices only *destination devices onlyintermediary devicessource and destination devices
source, intermediary, and destination devices11 Which condition could cause a fragmentation needed ICMP destination unreachable message to be sent?A low bandwidth WAN link has become congested with IP traffic.*** A packet is forwarded from a Token Ring network to an Ethernet network. *A network is not reachable because of faulty routing information.
The address specified by the sending host is nonexistent.12 Which type of message is generated by a host when the ping command is entered?*** ICMP echo request *ICMP echo replyUDP echo request
UDP error message13 Which of the following start the test of destination reachability?*** echo request issued by source *echo reply issued by sourceecho request issued by destination
echo reply issued by destination14 Which ICMP message is sent to a source host when the hop count to the destination is greater than the TTL value of a packet?echo replytimestamp replydestination unreachable*** time exceeded *source quench Module 9 1 Which ICMP message type notifies source hosts that a receiving host or network is not available?time exceededredirect*** destination unreachablesource quenchparameter problem
echo reply2 Which two are true regarding the debug commands? (Choose two.)Debug commands may be issued from the user EXEC prompt.*** The command undebug all will turn off all debug operations.By default, the router sends the debug output and messages to the telnet session.*** The high processor overhead incurred using debug may disrupt normal router operation.The debug all command provides a summary view of router activity and can be used frequently for troubleshooting.
The show debugging command will display current events such as traffic on an interface and error messages generated by nodes on the network.3 Which of the following commands can be used to statically configure default routes? (Choose two.)ip static-route*** ip routeip network-route*** ip default-network
ip default-static4 At which OSI layer does the routing of email packets from the source network to the destination network occur?applicationsessiontransport
*** network5 When issuing the show interfaces serial1 command, a network administrator receives the output shown in the graphic. What are the possible causes of an increase in the number of input errors? (Choose three.)There could be Layer 3 addressing problems.*** There could be a problem with faulty telephone equipment.*** The router hardware could be defective.There is an incorrectly configured encapsulation on the interface.
*** There could be a problem with the cabling.6 Which two are true regarding the output shown in the graphic? (Choose two.)Network is 610 routers away from the source router.*** A packet destined for host will be forwarded out the Serial0 interface.The subnet mask for the networks is*** The router is receiving IGRP updates through its serial interface.
This router is using three different routing protocols.7 The show interfaces command provides line and protocol status information. Which of the following conditions would never occur in the output of this command?serial1 is up, line protocol is upserial1 is up, line protocol is downserial1 is down, line protocol is down*** serial1 is down, line protocol is up
serial1 is administratively down, line protocol is down8 After issuing the command traceroute from Router A, the following information is returned.Tracing the route to Router_D ( Router_B ( 16 msec 16 msec 16 msec2 * * *3 * * *What can be concluded about the network shown in the graphic based on the output given?Network is missing from the routing table on Router A.*** There is a problem with the connection between Router B and Router C.Router C is not running CDP.Some of the routers are non-Cisco devices.
Router B was not able to return ICMP TEMs to Router A.9 During the lookup process when forwarding a packet, a router checks its routing table for the best path to the destination. If a route has an administrative distance of 0, what does this indicate to the router?The packet should be discarded.The destination is unreachable.*** The destination is a directly connected network.
The source of the update for that route is unreliable.10 Which of the following would be the default administrative distance of a static IP route that references the IP address of the next hop?0*** 15
2011 Which items would be displayed when the show ip protocol command is executed? (Choose three.)*** sources of routing updates*** networks being advertisedrouting protocol up or downconfigured routed protocolsLayer 2 status of the interface
*** update timer values12 A network administrator suspects that a network is not being included in the routing updates. Which command will provide information on when the next update is due and which networks are advertised in the update?Router# show interfacesRouter# show controllers serial*** Router# show ip protocolsRouter# show ip route
Router# show running-config13 Which of the following lines from the show interfaces output would indicate a Layer 2 problem?Serial1 is up, line protocol is up.*** Serial1 is up, line protocol is down.Serial1 is down, line protocol is down.
Serial1 is administratively down, line protocol is down.14 After issuing the show interfaces command, a technician notices the line "Serial1 is down, line protocol is down" in the output. Which of the following are possible reasons for this message output? (Choose three.)There is a mismatch in the encapsulation type on both ends of the link.*** A Layer 1 issue exists.*** An interface problem exists.The clockrate was not set during configuration.*** There is no usable media for the protocol.
Keepalive messages are not being sent.
15 Refer to the network graphic. A packet needs to travel from Router F to Router A. Which path would be se

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