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男女生了沒 裡開車出去玩的那一段音樂超好聽,進來分亨給大家
很久沒有聽到一首西洋音樂是讓我想持續聽的陽光滿載 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztCMNHAT8uMI got a pocket, 我有個口袋 got a pocket full of sunshine 口袋裏滿載著陽光 I got a love that knows that it's all mine 我擁有的是完全屬於我的愛 oh.oh,oh 噢 Do what you want, 隨你怎麼做吧 but you never gonna break me, sticks and stone are never gonna shake me不論是棍棒.亂石 都無法打擊我,動搖我 oh,oh,oh 噢 [Chorus] Take me away (take me away) 帶我走 A secret place (a secret place) 去那個秘密的地方 A sweet escape (a sweet escape) 那個甜美的休憩之所 Take me away (take me away) 帶我走 Take me away (take me away) 帶我走 To better days (to better days) 我們將有更美好的日子. Take me away (take me away) 帶我走 A hiding place (a hiding place) 去那個避難之處 [Interlude] I got pocket, 我有個口袋 Got a pocket full of sunshine 口袋裏滿載著陽光 I got a love that knows that it's all mine 我擁有的是完全屬於我的愛 oh,oh,oh 噢 Wish that you could, 你儘管去試 but you ain't gonna own me 但,你永遠不會擁有我 do anything you can to control me 怎麼樣你都無法控制我 oh,oh,oh 噢 [Chorus] [Hook] There's a place that I go 我要去一個 That nobody knows 沒有人知道的地方 Where the rivers flow 那兒.有著蜿蜒的河流 And I call it home 是我想望的家園 And there's no more lies 那兒,沒有謊言 And darkness is light 沒有黑夜 And nobody cries 沒有哭泣 there's only butterflies 只有漫天飛舞的蝴蝶 [Chorus 2x] [Chorus & Interlude] The sun's on my side 身邊滿是陽光 Take me for a ride 帶著我展開旅程 I smile up to the sky 我要歡笑著飛上青天 I know I'll be alright 我知道,一切都會很安好. The sun's on my side 身邊滿是陽光 Take me for a ride 帶著我展開旅程 I smile up to the sky 我要歡笑著飛上青天 I know I'll be alright 我知道,一切都會很安好

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